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Year of the Rat: Fortune, Personality, Horoscope (2025)

By Sophie Song
Last updated on Sep 29, 2024
Chinese Zodiac:

Rat is the 1st animal in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac, coming after the Pig and before the Ox. Recent years of the Rat include 2020, 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, and 1948, with the next Rat year in 2032 (Year of the Water Rat). It corresponds with the first branch of the earthly branch symbol zi.

Rat Zodiac Sign: Years and Personality (Small)
Rat is the 1st animal in the Chinese zodiac. Recent Rat years include 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, and 2032.

Rats are cheerful, sociable, and tenacious people, who thrive as part of a group. This intuitive, versatile, and quick-witted zodiac values security in all areas of life, which affects their choices in love and career.

Chinese Zodiac Years for Rat

Derived from the Chinese lunar calendar (like many things in Chinese culture), the Chinese zodiac cycle corresponds more with China’s lunar New Year than with the Gregorian calendar. You can use a calculator like the one below to find your zodiac.

Chinese zodiac calculator

When determining your zodiac animal sign, pay attention to the start of the Chinese New Year on the Chinese calendar. This is especially necessary if you were born in the lunar months of January or February, as you might be the animal from the previous year (see the chart below).

Chart of Years, Dates, and Elements for Rat Zodiac Signs

Rat Year

Lunar Year Start Date

Lunar Year End Date



February 5, 2024

January 23, 1925



January 24, 1936

February 10, 1937



February 10, 1948

January 28, 1949



January 28, 1960

February 14, 1961



February 15, 1972

February 2, 1973



February 2, 1984

February 19, 1985



February 19, 1996

February 6, 1997



February 6, 2008

January 25, 2009



January 25, 2020

February 11, 2021



February 11, 2032

January 30, 2033


Rat’s 2025 Horoscope (Year of the Snake)

2025 is a year of steady growth for Rats, with excellent opportunities for career advancement and financial stability. With the help of benefactors, you’ll navigate challenges smoothly. However, be cautious with investments and travel plans to ensure a successful year.

Read more: Rat’s 2025 Horoscope (Love, Career, Wealth, Health)

Personality and Traits of Rat Signs

In Chinese astrology, people born in the years of the Rat are well-behaved by nature and have fun and quirky personalities. They exude superb energy in life and do what they can to garner approval from others—even if misplaced.

Rat personalities also tend to exude a sense of mystery, hoarding their own secrets while observing others and adjusting how they behave. Their mystery is strategic, not selfish, so they would make great team players.

In terms of social personality traits, Rats love being in a group and may feel lonely when they’re on their own. They are friendly and easy-going, finding it easy to make friends despite a slight inclination to secrecy and introversion.

In terms of lifestyle, Rats are frugal with a tendency to save—even to hoard. As long as they learn to withstand temptations in this area, their life will turn out quite steady and prosperous.

Rat Strengths

In general, Rats are alert and sharp observers. They are especially great at being aware of their situations in life, always on the lookout for any opportunities that may not be readily visible to others.

They are naturally cautious, moving tentatively and ready to retreat at any sign of danger. Being risk-averse, as well as being conscientious at work, lead Rats to success, even if they come from humble beginnings.

Rat Weaknesses

In terms of weaknesses, the Rat can be timid and suspicious. They’re prone to short-sightedness for this reason and may lack a high-level understanding of a given situation, often missing the forest for the trees.

Rats are kind by nature but may come off as selfish when they feel insecure about their station in life. They’re advised to concentrate on improving their own lot instead of comparing themselves to others.

Male Rat Signs

Men born in years of Rat are diligent and positive and find it impossible to tolerate anyone who’s irresponsible or lazy. They often take a great interest in others, which makes them caring, attentive partners.

Most male Rats are mild, but occasionally they may become irritable or rude. This is only a reflection of their inner state, which the right partner will be able to soothe in no time.

Female Rat Signs

Women born in the years of the Rat are adaptable and optimistic and devote great energy to their home, constantly making sure everything’s in order. Their warm nature makes them the ideal partner for many signs.

As wives and mothers, these women are selfless givers, bringing abundant love and stability to their loved ones. In terms of career, they make for dependable team players, if not usually the most charismatic leader.

Rat Zodiacs and the Five Elements Theory

The Chinese Five Elements Theory assigns one of the five elements—Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth—to each year, in addition to the zodiacs. So Rats born in different years will have different personalities.

Lucky (and Unlucky) Things for Rats

The colors blue and gold, the numbers 2 and 3, and the direction east are auspicious and bring good luck for Rats. Yellow, brown, 5, 9, and cats are inauspicious and should be avoided if possible.

Your Ben Ming Nian, or Chinese zodiac birth year, is considered unlucky as well, so be prepared to wear the color red throughout the Year of the Rat to help ward off the possible bad fortune (the next Rat year isn’t until 2032).

Lucky Things

  • Lucky numbers: 1, 4, 6, 9

  • Lucky colors: Gold, White, Blue

  • Lucky directions: Southeast, Northeast

  • Lucky flowers: Lily, African Violet, Orchid 

Unlucky Things

  • Unlucky numbers: 8

  • Unlucky colors: Red, Yellow

  • Unlucky directions: West, Southwest

Love and Compatibility for Rats

In matters of the heart, Rats are soft-spoken, frank, and intuitive. They are eager and capable partners, although they can be very vain at times—thankfully, a rare occurrence that doesn’t spoil the total package.

They’re attentive to the object of their desire and will show intense interest in getting to know the other person. Being in a relationship with them is never boring and will likely involve mutual affection, even for less traditionally compatible animals like the Rooster or Snake.

Best Matches: Dragon, Monkey, Ox

Rat and Dragon: Rat and Dragon may appear diametrically opposed to some, with the Rat being a careful workhorse and the Dragon, a magnanimous leader. But, in fact, those are the very traits that make them complement each other, leading to a surprisingly good relationship.

This love compatibility is at its best when the Dragon leads at a high level, making the bigger decisions the Rat struggles with, while the Rat takes care of the details that the Dragon will likely overlook.

Rat and Monkey: This is a relationship based on mutual admiration and a craving for the same type of lifestyle. Both zodiacs value a quick wit and a propensity to abundance, which they’ll find in spades in their partner.

On top of that, the Rat will appreciate the Monkey’s extra logical mind, which they lack themselves, while the Rat seems the one capable of inspiring the usually self-centered Monkey to be a team player.

Rat and Ox: The Rat and the Ox are neighbors on the list of zodiacs, and they are more similar than different. Both are risk-averse and don’t mind toiling away for years to build the life they want.

Now that tenacity will be more than doubled. As neither will say, “I did the dishes last night; it’s your turn,” this giving quality will only encourage their partner to contribute even more love.

Worst Matches: Horse, Goat

Rat and Horse: These two Chinese zodiac signs clash naturally because Rats absolutely need to plan for the future, while Horses are passionate and impulsive. The way each thinks and behaves is very different.

When two people with such divergent personalities come together in a relationship, the result can be disastrous since they’ll rarely see eye to eye, making each other’s life rather difficult until they split.

Rat and Goat: The Rat is suspicious, while the Goat can be jealous. Rather than making each partner want to give the other more reassurance, these traits seem to only lead to clashes.

When together, this partnership is characterized by complaints from the Goat and a list of resentments from the Rat, neither of which spell marital bliss for the couple!

Careers fit for the Chinese Zodiac Rat

People born in the years of the Rat prefer to have a certain degree of freedom at work. Independent careers will be more suitable, but even then, Rats will need to learn to adapt to others.

As keen observers, Rats may enjoy creative disciplines like writing, photography, or anything that showcases their unique understanding of life, which will allow them to put forth their ideas in a systematic way.

Although many public figures were born in years of the Rat, this group is extremely unsuited for a career in politics or the military, as they’ll find these career paths too hierarchical for their liking.

Best Careers for Rats

  • Academic researcher

  • Healthcare professional

  • Writer

  • Accountant

  • Photographer

Worst Careers for Rats

  • Politician

  • Corporate analyst

  • Military

  • Police

  • Lawyer

Health and Lifestyle Advice for Rats

Rats can look forward to a long life despite their propensity to be tired—owing to their hardworking nature—and to experience minor ailments, in particular problems with their digestion and seasonal discomfort. Rats also tend to be more prone to catching colds.

With that in mind, Rats are advised to be somewhat “precious” with their health, which includes but isn’t limited to dressing appropriately for the weather and keeping a regular sleep schedule and a healthy diet.

Rat and the 12 Zodiac Animals (Origin Story)

In the zodiac’s origin story, the Rat won a race across the celestial river with its quick thinking and likeability. It managed to come in first place, beating out all competitors, and became forever honored as the first zodiac.

Legend has it that the Jade Emperor organized a race to decide which animals should be honored as the zodiacs. Before the race, the Rat convinced the Ox to carry it across the river.

The Ox never suspected the Rat, who offered to “keep a lookout” in exchange. Just as the Ox was nearing the finish line, however, the Rat leaped down from its back and became the first zodiac (followed closely by Ox, Tiger, Rabbit and the rest of the animals)!

Famous People Born in the Year of the Rat

Many celebrities are your fellow Rat natives, who’re often likable and possess a quirky, off-beat charm. 

  • Hugh Grant: September 9, 1960, Metal Rat

  • Scarlett Johansson: November 22, 1984, Wood Rat

  • Eminem: October 17, 1972, Water Rat

  • Zendaya: September 1, 1996, Fire Rat

  • Prince Charles: November 14, 1948, Earth Rat

  • Katy Perry: October 25, 1984, Wood Rat

  • Dwayne Johnson: May 2, 1972, Water Rat

  • Ru Paul: November 17, 1960, Metal Rat