
Year of the Ox: Fortune, Personality, Horoscope (2025)

By Sophie Song
Last updated on Sep 29, 2024
Chinese Zodiac: Year of the Ox

Ox is the second animal in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac, coming after the Rat and before the Tiger. Recent years of the Ox include 2021, 2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, and 1949, with the next Ox year in 2033 (Year of the Water Ox). The Year of the Ox corresponds with the earthly branch symbol chǒu.

Ox Zodiac Sign: Years and Personality (Small)
Ox is the 2nd animal in the Chinese zodiac. Recent Ox years include 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, and 2033.

Taciturn, upright, patient, unpretentious, and persevering, Ox is one of the least flashy yet one of the most likable of the zodiacs. Their practical mindset is both their greatest asset and, at times, their detriment.

Chinese Zodiac Years for Ox

Based on the Chinese lunar calendar and lunar New Year (as many things are in Chinese culture), the 12 Chinese zodiacs do not perfectly correspond to the more commonly used Gregorian calendar. Use a calculator like the one below to find your zodiac sign.

Chinese zodiac calculator

In particular, those born in January or February should make note of when the Chinese New Year begins, as your zodiac animal may be in the previous year (use the chart below).

Chart of Years, Dates and Elements for Ox Zodiac Signs

Ox Year

Lunar Year Start Date

Lunar Year End Date



January 24, 2025

February 12, 1926



February 11, 1937

January 30, 1938



January 29, 1949

February 16, 1950



February 15, 1961

February 4, 1962



February 3, 1973

January 22, 1974



February 7, 1997

January 27, 1998



January 26, 2009

February 13, 2010



January 26, 2009

February 13, 2010



February 11, 2021

January 31, 2022



January 31, 2033

January 18, 2034


Ox’s 2025 Horoscope (Year of the Snake)

2025 promises to be a prosperous year for Oxen, especially in terms of wealth and career advancements. Stay humble, manage relationships wisely, and seize opportunities to secure success and happiness.

Read more: Ox’s 2025 Horoscope (Love, Career, Wealth, Health)

Personality and Traits of Ox Signs

People born in the years of the Ox are diligent with a strong sense of responsibility. Although not usually charismatic, they’re nonetheless loved for their ability to “anchor,” whether at work or in their love life.

This is because although the Ox personality is gentle in nature, Oxen are capable of great courage when it’s time to step up—especially when no one else will, and overcome any difficulty, which many find rather reassuring.

Oxen are the hard workers in the background, intelligent and reliable, but never demanding praise.

On the flip side, Oxen can also be stubborn to the point of insisting on their way or the highway, which can make these mild personalities appear arrogant or temperamental despite the best of intentions.

In romance, their affection—although slow to ignite—will burn deep and remain bright for years to come, just like their ability to put their head down and work without complaint towards a career goal. 

Ox Strengths

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that Oxen’s greatest strength is their tenacity. They are methodical to the extreme, and “giving up” is never an option for them. Those traits serve them well when it comes to wealth.

Those same traits are Oxen’s secret to a happy romantic life. While their courtship is slow and steady, once settled into domestic bliss, the Ox feels as if they’ve been blessed with the world. 

Ox Weaknesses

For people who appear so mild, Oxen’s stubborn tempers are often hidden until someone pushes their solidly reinforced boundary. When that happens, that person will find themselves at the brunt of a quiet but intense rage.

Oxen may often seem dull, and indeed, to anyone who prioritizes excitement and adventure in life, Oxen will most likely prove disappointing, but for those who value security, this weakness is more of a strength.

Ox Zodiacs and the Five Elements Theory

The Chinese Five Elements Theory assigns one of the five elements—Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth—to each year, in addition to the zodiacs. So Oxen born in different years will have different personalities, according to the zodiac elements.

Lucky (and Unlucky) Things for Oxen

Blue and purple, 2 and 7, and the northern direction are auspicious elements for Oxen, bringing them good fortune. On the other hand, red and brown, 3 and 6, and southwest are best avoided.

In Chinese astrology, your Ben Ming Nian, or zodiac birth year, is expected to bring bad luck, so be sure to wear the color red throughout the Year of the Ox (but don’t worry, you’re off the hook until 2033). 

Lucky Things

  • Lucky numbers: 2, 7

  • Lucky colors: Blue, Purple

  • Lucky directions: North

  • Lucky flowers: Waterlily, Morning Glory, Tulip, Peach Blossom

Unlucky Things

  • Unlucky numbers: 3, 6

  • Unlucky colors: Red, Brown

  • Unlucky directions: Southwest

Love and Compatibility for Oxen

Male or female, Oxen have a passionate heart with a romantic and rich inner world to match. They’re nurturing and steadfast, although it may take time before they feel ready to show their affectionate side.

Even when they finally meet someone they like, Oxen may seem indifferent on the surface while they’re burning with passion underneath. Take proactive action and speak your feelings, Ox, so that love can be yours!

❤️ Best Match: Ox and Snake

Ox and Snake are understated individuals who will never wear their hearts on their sleeves. Their love compatibility and courtship will surely be a slow one that takes time to reach its culmination—too slow to outside observers.

These animal signs know their own and their partner’s worth and aren’t afraid to invest time in unraveling their partner’s mystery. Once committed, they’ll likely stand firmly by each other’s side until death do them part.

❤️ Best Match: Ox and Rooster

Rooster is one of the more brash signs, but they seem to appreciate the silent and tenacious ways of the Ox. And for once, the Ox doesn’t mind the attention of a more outgoing counterpart.

Whether male or female, the Ox will let their Rooster half pursue, but their interest won’t be hard to interpret, either. With this encouragement, the Rooster will likely make the Ox theirs before too long.

❤️ Best Match: Ox and Rat

Like in the zodiac origin story, Ox and Rat will decide to go on the journey of life together once they meet—but unlike in that story, it won’t be only the Rat who benefits.

Both signs are giving souls, considering their partner a part of themselves once they’re together, so they won’t hesitate to make sacrifices for their relationship to thrive. In the end, that’ll make a win-win union.

Worst Matches: Horse, Goat

Ox and Horse: These two may come together easily, but their pairing is not meant for the long term and will be characterized by frequent fights and disagreements enough to wear away any initial affection.

Ox prefers a quiet and stable lifestyle, while Horse yearns for freedom, leading both to consider parting ways once the initial passion dies away. Unfortunately, fit is more important than attraction in a long-term relationship.

Ox and Goat: Both of these signs are characterized by the Earth element, although strangely, this leads to a “muddying” of boundaries instead of understanding. Even if the relationship lasts, it’ll likely turn codependent, to both parties’ detriment.

These mild personalities are both stubborn, and neither will be likely to give way when they quarrel. The Ox may try to show that they care, but the Goat will find this suffocating and annoying.

Careers fit for the Chinese Zodiac Ox

Oxen thrive in a stable yet interesting career environment, where they will be able to realize their meaning in life, which is usually the pursuit of excellence instead of attaining social status or wealth alone.

In work, Oxen’s greatest asset is their patience. They will choose a career path and single-mindedly invest in their future. This strong sense of responsibility makes Oxen perfect for many jobs that others cannot take on.

In general, Oxen prefer jobs that require a steady build-up of skills and knowledge with long-term effort. On the other hand, anything that requires Oxen to be flexible or cunning will likely cause them foreseeable difficulties. 

Best careers for Oxen

  • Doctor

  • Social worker

  • Teacher

  • Government worker

  • Military

Worst careers for Oxen

  • Journalism

  • Sales

  • Stock Broker

  • Artist

  • Real Estate

Health and Lifestyle Advice for Oxen

Oxen are usually solidly built, with a robust, almost rude health enhanced by their natural inclination to live a well-regulated life—three square meals a day, no smoking or drinking, and in bed by 10 p.m.

They are also not usually affected by others’ and society’s opinions and, therefore, have few negative emotions to work through, giving them the mind and body they need to pour themselves into work with abandon. 

Ox and the 12 Zodiac Animals (Origin Story)

Each Chinese zodiac sign has an origin story or myth involving a race that explains the animals’ placement. The Ox, with its single-minded diligence, almost won and became the first zodiac animal if it wasn’t for the Rat!

Chinese legend records a race across the heavenly river, organized by the Jade Emperor, to see which animals would become a zodiac. Beforehand, the Rat asked if it could ride on the Ox’s back.

The Rat promised to keep an eye on their competitors. The Ox swam as hard as possible and had nearly won when the Rat leaped across the finish line and became the undeserving winner over Ox.

Famous People Born in the Year of the Ox

Rather than shooting to stardom, famous Oxen would most likely be known for their steady, quality work over many years. 

  • George Clooney,  May 6, 1961, Metal Ox

  • Cristiano Ronaldo: February 5, 1985, Wood Ox

  • Heidi Klum: June 1, 1973, Water Ox

  • Kylie Jenner: August 10, 1997, Fire Ox

  • Meryl Streep: June 22, 1949, Earth Ox

  • Princess Diana, July 1, 1961, Metal Ox

  • Dustin Hoffman, August 8, 1937, Fire Ox

  • Margaret Thatcher, October 13, 1925, Wood Ox

  • Barack Obama, August 4, 1961, Metal Ox

  • Walt Disney, December 5, 1901, Metal Ox