
Year of the Goat: Fortune, Personality, Horoscope (2025)

By Sophie Song
Last updated on Sep 29, 2024
Chinese Zodiac: Year of the Goat

Goat is the 8th animal in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac signs, coming after the Horse and before the Monkey. Recent years of the Goat include 2015, 2003, 1991, 1979, 1967, 1955, and 1943, with the next Goat year in 2027 (Year of the Fire Goat). It is associated with the earthly branch sign wèi.

Goat Zodiac Sign: Years and Personality (Small)
Goat is the 8th animal in the Chinese zodiac. Recent Goat years include 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, and 2027.

Goat is gentle and mild, sensitive and content, and may suffer bouts of pessimism when facing adverse circumstances. They’re passive and loyal in love, emotionally dependent on their partner, and prioritize the spiritual over the material.  

Chinese Zodiac Years for Goat

The Chinese zodiac animals align with the lunar Chinese calendar, which varies slightly from our Gregorian calendar (the lunar calendar is commonly used in Chinese culture). Try our calculator below to easily find your Chinese zodiac sign.

Chinese zodiac calculator

When finding your animal sign, make note of when Chinese New Year begins, especially if you were born in January or February, since your zodiac may be from the previous year.

Chart of Years, Dates, and Elements for Goat Zodiac Signs

Goat Year

Lunar Year Start Date

Lunar Year End Date



February 1, 1919

February 19, 1920



February 17, 1931

February 5, 1932



February 5, 1943

January 24, 1944



January 24, 1955

February 11, 1956



February 9, 1967

January 29, 1968



January 28, 1979

February 15, 1980



February 15, 1991

February 3, 1992



February 1, 2003

January 21, 2004



February 19, 2015

February 7, 2016



February 6, 2027

January 25, 2028


Goat’s 2025 Horoscope (Year of the Snake)

While Goats enjoy a prosperous financial year in 2025, caution is advised in work and health matters. Success will come through diligence and careful risk management. By focusing on personal growth and staying mindful of challenges, Goats can make the most of this promising year.

Read more: Goat’s 2025 Horoscope (Love, Career, Wealth, Health)

Personality Traits of Goat Signs

Goats (sometimes also translated as Rams) are the most tender and mild of the zodiac signs, known for their honest, kind, and empathic nature. They’re selflessly giving, willing to lend their last penny to their closest friends without a second thought. When it comes to yin and yang, Goats are considered yin.

They’re born compassionate, so when they meet others who have suffered, Goats may grow despondent themselves. They’re also creative, almost indulgently so, with no shortage of whimsical images and ideas floating around in their mind.

However, it may be hard to pry these ideas out of Goats because they fear failure to the point of not being able to try again, which stems from stubborn pride that they possess.

Socially, Goats are soft-spoken, elegant, and personable, meek on the outside yet strong and resilient on the inside. If anyone mistakes their docility as a weakness, however, Goats will be sure to deliver a rude awakening.

Goat Strengths

Goat people combine creativity with great enthusiasm for research, making them the ideal innovator for any field. Their thirst for knowledge means they’ll try to get to the bottom of everything they commit to with devotion.

They may also divert that creativity towards artistic pursuits. Their personality is introverted, but their shyness masks inner resources that they can draw upon in necessary situations when they’ll surprise everyone with their courage and passion.

Goat Weaknesses

Goats are easily hurt since beneath their mild manners lay an inferiority complex that makes them anxious to please. They fall in love easily, but when that love ends, Goat can become despondent and inconsolable.

Goats can also be gullible and pestered into committing to something against their nature, often by family and friends. They’ll need to learn to guard their own interests and stand their ground as they mature.

Goat Zodiacs and the Five Elements Theory

The Chinese Five Elements Theory assigns one of the five elements—Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth—to each year, in addition to the zodiacs. Depending on the year they were born, there are different types of Goats with different personalities.

Lucky (and Unlucky) Things for Goats

As an Earth zodiac, Goat has luck with shades of brown and coffee, 2 and 7, and north. On the contrary, gold and silver tones, 4 and 9, and northeast should be avoided if possible.

According to Chinese astrology, your zodiac birth year, or Ben Ming Nian, is expected to bring bad luck, so make sure to wear the color red when your year comes around (Year of the Goat).

Lucky Things

  • Lucky numbers: 2, 7

  • Lucky colors: Brown, Coffee

  • Lucky directions: North

  • Lucky flowers: Carnation, Primrose

Unlucky Things

  • Unlucky numbers: 4, 9

  • Unlucky colors: Gold, Silver

  • Unlucky directions: Northeast

Love and Compatibility for Goats

Goats remain their mild selves in love, although they have the tendency to lose themselves in a relationship by being overly obedient to their other half, that is, unless it’s something they care deeply about.

It’s more likely that Goats will become pushovers rather than pushy in love. As such, most Goats will share compatibility with equally amiable zodiacs like Rabbit and Pig, although some prefer charismatic and leader-like signs like Horse.

❤️ Best Match: Goat and Rabbit

This is one of those couples that strikes everyone as enviably warm and caring towards each other since they’re similar in temperament and the kind of laid-back lifestyle that they want to create for themselves.

There are still subtle differences to these mild zodiacs, as Rabbit is less easygoing and needs attention from their partner, while Goat is selfless and has no problem giving it to the object of their affection.

❤️ Best Match: Goat and Pig

Goat appear mild, but they’re actually romantic and creative, which no one recognizes and appreciates better than Pig when these two come together. Goats beauty, indeed, shines most brightly in the eye of their beholder.

Their home will be a sight to behold as well since Goat’s natural creative talents will have the backing of their generous Pig partner. Since both are agreeable introverts, they’ll love spending time together there.

❤️ Best Match: Goat and Horse

How different these neighboring zodiac signs are at first glance! Horse is such a brash adventurer, while Goat is the consummate homebody, but somehow, that makes them thick as thieves instead of keeping them apart.

What Horse adores most in Goat is that this undemanding sign allows Horse to have their freedom, while Goat loves listening to their partner’s adventures. Both will prove indispensable to this solid union in love.

Worst Matches: Ox, Rat

Goat and Ox: If this pair ends up together, both must do their best not to interfere with their partner’s privacy. Keeping a distance from each other is the only way for Ox and Goat to make their love work.

Even then, once jealousy and possessiveness permeate the romance, it’s basically over between them, as both will unleash their most stubborn selves and collide. It’ll be difficult to communicate and get along with each other.

Goat and Rat: This is not an ideal marriage, but thankfully, they most likely won’t find their way to each other, whether at work or in love, since both are introverts who aren’t used to being the pursuer.

It’s odd that even though both want a stable family life, somehow, Goat and Rat are unable to provide that sense of security for each other. Over time, the resentment builds until the relationship disintegrates.

Careers Fit for the Chinese Zodiac Goat

Goats may appear mild-tempered about everything, but they would still hate to work on anything they dislike, in which case they’ll protest firmly but without aggression, explaining their point of view with patience and endurance.

They’re motivated to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to become subject-matter experts while making full use of their talents and creativity. With space, Goats will almost certainly achieve success and financial abundance.

In general, Goats dislike being in a leadership position. They must look to others to give them guidance and support when the going gets tough, but they possess plenty of grit to excel in a field of study that suits their temperament. 

Best careers for Goats

  • Literary Agent

  • Research Scientist

  • Writer

  • Artist

  • Editor

Worst careers for Goats

  • Trader

  • Politician

  • Athlete

  • Attorney

  • Real Estate Agent

Health and Lifestyle Advice for Goats

Goats are blessed with good health, and their mild temperament keeps their mind free from worry as well. They’re advised not to socialize too much, especially over meals, however, as they’re prone to weight gain.

Consider abstaining from smoking and alcohol if you can help it, Goat, since you’re at risk of developing high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes. If you can manage it, try moving a bit more. 

Goat and the 12 Zodiac Animals (Origin Story)

Goat is honored as the 8th animal, even though it’s not the most conspicuous of animals. How did this happen? The Chinese have an origin story, or myth, that explains how the 12 zodiac animals were chosen.

At the beginning of time, the heavenly Jade Emperor held a race across the celestial river to select the zodiac animals. Goat is neither ambitious nor confident, unlike the Tiger, Rat, or Ox, but decided to participate just to take part.

During the race, Goat decided to just keep pace with its friend Horse. Without breaking a sweat and following Horse’s hooves, Goat managed 8th place — ahead of Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig — and became enshrined as one of the revered zodiac animals. 

Famous People Born in the Year of the Goat

Goats may not be striking in the same way as Dragon or Horse, but this mild and patient artistic type can, and often does, achieve fame and fortune as experts in their chosen field. 

  • Robert De Niro: August 17, 1943, Water Goat

  • Julia Roberts: October 28, 1967, Fire Goat

  • Steve Jobs: February 24, 1955, Wood Goat

  • Kourtney Kardashian: April 18, 1979, Earth Goat

  • Ed Sheeran: February 17, 1991, Metal Goat

  • Bill Gates: October 28, 1955, Wood Goat

  • Nicole Kidman: June 20, 1967, Fire Goat

  • Frida Kahlo: July 6, 1907, Fire Goat