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Tiger 2024 Horoscope: Love, Career and Wealth Forecast

By Sophie Song
Last updated on Sep 24, 2024

Tiger’s 2024 Overview

Tiger Chinese Zodiac Animal Sign Icon

In 2024, the Tiger will have a mixed plate of luck, with love and finance shining through as favorable areas, while health and career won’t enjoy as much blessing. Life is basically a balancing act!

It’s not a bad year, although Tigers aren’t usually satisfied with the passable or even the mildly favorable. Life is a marathon, Tiger, so don’t stress if you don’t hit all your goals this year.

Detailed Forecast for Tiger (2024)

  • 10/10

    Love and relationships

    Wow, Tiger, in ten years’ time, 2024 may well be remembered as the year you met the love of your life, as your romantic aspect is off-the-charts! Many opportunities await, so don’t rush into anything.

    This advice is especially important for single female Tigers, who’ll need to avoid results-oriented thinking, but, instead, enjoy the journey of getting to know all your suitors this year—your prince charming is patiently waiting!

    A slight note of concern is that Tigers who are happily married or paired off in a stable relationship may still catch others’ eye in 2024—but it’s definitely not worth damaging what you already have.

  • 5/10


    This is hard news to deliver to an ambitious bunch like you, Tigers, but career is where you’ll experience the most setbacks in 2024. You’ll start the year with spirit but quickly encounter a bottleneck.

    Thankfully things improve beyond this point, and your natural drive will help kick your career into high gear. While you may not see the fruit of your labors just yet, rest assured you’re gaining experience.

    Although Tigers make wonderful entrepreneurs, this isn’t the year to strike out on your own. Instead, learn and accumulate contacts for when that time comes. We hear 2027 will be amazing if you can wait!

  • 7/10


    Tiger’s wealth and financial health will perform well in 2024, despite global economic conditions. While income won’t see a dramatic increase—owing to career setback—Tigers can expect an enviable leap in their investment portfolio.

    That being said, there’s a cyclical nature to Tiger’s investing this year, where gains are followed by losses and back again. So try not to paper-hand anything, Tiger, and look at the long-term balance sheet.

    You should avoid overspending because while your job will be safe, inflation means your money won’t go as far, so try not to splurge until you know you’ve put away enough for a rainy day.

  • 6/10


    Tigers have never been the healthiest, which may surprise many people, most of all Tigers themselves! It’s one thing to power through with willpower, Tiger, but quite another to push your body beyond its limit.

    Your digestion and respiration need special care this year, so stay away from anything too spicy or heavy on the dining table. Older Tigers need to be wary of nasty colds that never go away.

    Try to exercise if you can get away from work. If you think about it, Tiger, building up your health will only save you time when you don’t have to worry about major illnesses, right?