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Monkey 2024 Horoscope: Love, Career and Wealth Forecast

By Sophie Song
Last updated on Sep 24, 2024

Monkey’s 2024 Overview

Monkey Chinese Zodiac Animal Sign Icon

Monkey will enjoy good fortune in 2024 since it won’t be bothered by the God of Tai Sui and will have the backing of a few minor advantageous aspects. Can you say full speed ahead?

It’s not all balanced, Monkey, since hard work and finance seem especially favored this year, but romance and health may prove somewhat tricky. Nothing you can’t handle, so don’t sweat the small stuff.

Detailed Forecast for Monkey (2024)

  • 5/10

    Love and relationships

    Let’s get the tougher news out of the way first, Monkey. Your impatience will really hurt your personal life in 2024, but that means it’s a great year for you to finally tackle that problem.

    If you’re single, Monkey, don’t rush your love life this year! Work on yourself so that if the right person comes along, you can get to know them instead of jumping blindly into a relationship.

    Be equally patient with your partner if you’re already paired off. If you’re engaged, in particular, plan and double-check everything because it’ll be a thorn in your side for years if you mangle this one!

  • 6/10


    Not bad at work this year, Monkey, but nothing spectacular, either. In fact, you’d be better served by putting your head down and doing your duties well instead of hoping for anything sudden or grand.

    If you do that, you’ll find space for what you do best, Monkey—observe! That’s most likely the way opportunities will come to you this year, through your own investigation, not on a silver platter.

    This patience, if you manage it, will reward you toward the end of this year. Higher-ups have been taking notes of your performance for months, it seems, and they’re ready to entrust you with more.

  • 7/10


    You shouldn’t have any problem landing a promotion and a pay upgrade by the last quarter of the year, Monkey, as well as a sizeable bonus for those excellent numbers if you follow our advice.

    If you’re in business for yourself, this should be an optimistic year as well. But if your instinct is to expand, expand, expand, think again, Monkey! You’d better wait until your new business is consolidated.

    You’re something of a risk-taker, which means speculative investing has always been a real risk with you. Be prudent this year, as the wealth you build up will help you out of a pinch soon.

  • 6/10


    You won’t be in your best shape this year, Monkey, but previous years have already given an indication of that. We’d suggest a medical check-up soon after the New Year’s party to see what you’re dealing with.

    You tend to be optimistic, Monkey—perhaps overly so? Your instinct will be to try to get better right away. The body is a complex organism, and it should be maintained and coaxed instead of strong-armed.

    Practice patience in your dealings as well this year since your temper could get the best of you and land some punches on your flawless face, Monkey. Try to avoid these unnecessary run-ins if possible.