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Horse 2024 Horoscope: Love, Career and Wealth Forecast

By Sophie Song
Last updated on Sep 24, 2024

Horse’s 2024 Overview

Horse Chinese Zodiac Animal Sign Icon

Horses will have excellent luck in 2024 because it’s the year of the Dragon, and Dragon and Horse are so harmonious that there’s a Chinese phrase that means “dragon and horse spirit” for describing an upbeat life.

In this year, Horses can look forward to career success, romantic fruition, and lots of accumulated wealth. But don’t take any of that for granted, Horse, since 2025 won’t be stellar, and 2026 will be downright terrible!

Detailed Forecast for Horse (2024)

  • 10/10

    Love and relationships

    Horse’s love life in 2024 will be nothing short of incredible. Since you thrive on excitement, Horse, you should already know that won’t entail a calm and peaceful period—but a fresh sense of adventure.

    Single Horses might just have whiplash for how many potential love interests are set to enter their life—and they’re all quite eligible, too. Don’t let that go to your head, Horse; choose with discernment.

    Horses who’re paired off can expect a whole slew of exciting developments that make them feel as if they’re falling in love all over again. Moving in? Wedding bells? New Baby? Anything’s possible in 2024!

  • 9/10


    The year 2024 will bring many professional breakthroughs to Horse, especially those who were stagnating or even feeling hopeless in their career in previous years. Rest assured that this won’t be the case anymore.

    It’s celestial luck on your side, Horse, but it’s also your hard work from before—do pat yourself on the back. What that means is don’t slack in 2024 because you’re building great momentum.

    A promotion and raise are the least you can expect, Horse. In fact, with your leadership skills and personal charisma, you shouldn’t be surprised if you’re suddenly tapped for an ultra-exclusive new company or project!

  • 8/10


    With the inevitable promotion and the big bonus at the end of the year, 2024 spells increased wealth before it has even started. That’s fortunate because 2023 will have been tough on Horse’s financial situation.

    But in 2024, on top of the income, Horses can look forward to minor lottery winnings, stock dividends, or even a return from a languishing investment. In any case, they should see their lifestyle greatly improved.

    We know you’re not one to squirrel much savings away, Horse, but we’ve also already warned you that 2025 and 2026 won’t be so breezy, so think twice before any lavish purchases, if you’ll please.

  • 9/10


    Health isn’t usually Horses’ top consideration, but thankfully in 2024, it won’t be creating much trouble for them anyway. It’s as if Horses are blossoming this year, which will be reflected in their blooming health.

    You’re larger than life, Horse, but that doesn’t mean you stand above what everyone needs in order to function—nourishing food, ample rest, and not too much stress are what the doctor prescribes for you in 2024.

    While health problems and illnesses aren’t a concern, be wary of accidents stemming from carelessness. A swelling bank account can’t be enjoyed from a hospital bed, Horse, and not even you can live life to the fullest there!